Use these ready-made templates for inspiration or customize them to fit your automation needs.
Unfollow everyone on Twitter
Extract details of users from Twitter
Unlike all tweets
Scrape followers from Twitter
Scrape following accounts from Twitter
Exports liked tweets to Google Sheets
Exports the top-level replies for any tweet to a Google Sheet
Extracts accounts followed on Instagram to Google Sheets
Download all images from an Instagram profile
Unfollow all accounts on Instagram
Scrape search results from Amazon
Scrape Amazon Reviews
Extract place details using a list of Google Maps place URLs in Google Sheets
Export your saved list on Google Maps to Google Sheets
Scrapes search results from Google Maps
Scrape Google Search results
Scrape Google Trends
Scrape comments from a YouTube video
Scrape YouTube videos of a user
Scrape places from Yelp
Extract jobs from Upwork
Scrape job listings from Indeed
Scrape job listings from
Scrape LPs from AngelList Syndicate
Scrape AngelList LP profiles from a spreadsheet of URLs
Take screenshots of a list of URLs
Scrape Crunchbase Listings